

遊戲日報海外版BloomGameR推出外媒看新遊系列之《戴森球計劃》。PC Gamer:如果您喜歡《異星工廠》的自動化玩法,那一定要玩《戴森球計劃》Like Factorio there‘s a lot of satisfaction from just seeing your resources being moved around properly where they need to go。 Each time I successfully accomplish something, even minor, I can’t help but jump my little mech up and down happily。 I‘m still eons from conquering the stars, but shipping copper plates and iron plates to the same machine so they can be combined into computer circuits? Feels good, man。像《異星工廠》一樣,只是看到自己的資源正在運輸到該去的地方,我就會感到異常滿足。每當我成功完成某個任務時,即便是很小的任務,我都會開心的不得了。我雖然無法征服那些恆星,但是將銅板鐵板運送到一臺機器上將它們組合成計算機電路?朋友這種感覺真的很不錯。Polygon: 條帶式開採銀河系從未如此讓人滿足——《戴森球計劃》的目的不是戰爭而是效率Dyson Sphere Program builds on the ideas behind games like Factorio and other efficiency simulators, as I’ve started to call them, to create something with its own tone and sense of calm as you use the mech to reshape the galaxy to fit your own needs for literal power。 There are some flaws here that I hope will be worked out as the team gets feedback — the text is tiny on screen, for instance, and there isn’t an option to customize keybindings yet — but the game itself is in a healthy enough place that I have no problem recommending it to anyone who thinks this kind of high-level organization and steady improvement sounds like a good way to spend an afternoon。《戴森球計劃》和其它效率模擬類遊戲諸如《異星工場》背後有著一樣的原理,那就是用機械來按照自己的需求來重塑星系,並且能創造出擁有自己格調的東西。當然也有一些小缺陷我希望遊戲團隊獲得反饋後得到解決-例如,文字在螢幕上很小,並且還沒有自定義鍵繫結的選項-但遊戲本身是足夠好的,我會毫不猶豫地向那些喜歡高階組織和穩步改善遊戲玩法的人推薦遊戲。It feels a little weird to be flung across space only to be put in charge of a strip-mining operation, but Dyson Sphere Program is much more calming, cerebral, and fun to watch than the premise sounds at first。 I’m looking forward to seeing what happens as I continue to climb the tech tree, but I’m sure whatever I learn is likely going to make me kick myself for decisions I made earlier, and push me to return to the beginning so I can start clean, knowing that I’ve gotten at least a little bit better at my virtual job。只是為了進行露天採礦就被扔到太空中感覺有是點奇怪,但是《戴森球計劃》比之前的遊戲的介紹聽起來更加好玩,燒腦和有趣。我很期待看到我繼續攀登技術樹會發生什麼。但是我敢肯定的是,我學到的任何新知識都可能讓我想要踢之前做出決定的自己的屁股,並促使我重新開始遊戲。但至少我知道我能把自己虛擬的工作做的好一點了。Rock Paper Shotgun: 《戴森球計劃》是工廠遊戲迷必玩的遊戲While I keep changing my mind about how much I personally enjoy Dyson Sphere Program,there’s one thing I can say without hesitation: this is a bloody impressive piece of work。 Despite being new into early access, it’s got a honkingly broad feature set already, and the sort of wildly ambitious premise you’d sneer away as a pipe dream, if it wasn’t implemented already。儘管對《戴森球計劃》的喜愛程度一直在變,但我可以毫不猶豫地說:這真的是一個令人印象深刻的遊戲。儘管它還是搶先體驗的狀態,但它已經具備了完整的形態和遊戲功能。這個遊戲設定十分宏大具有野心,如果沒有做出來一定會被嘲笑是白日夢。PCGamesN:《戴森球計劃》是一個在Steam上勢頭強勁的類《異星工廠》遊戲After a successful crowdfunding campaign last year, Dyson Sphere Program is now out in Early Access on Steam, and the ambitious building game has made quite a splash。 In its first week on sale on Steam and China’s WeGame platform, Dyson Sphere Program has sold more than 200,000 copies。經過去年成功的眾籌活動後(《戴森球計劃》於去年11月曾在國外眾籌平臺Kickstarter上發起眾籌專案,顯示獲得眾籌資金 1,434,062),《戴森球計劃》(Dyson Sphere Program)現在在Steam上的搶先體驗中推出,這個雄心勃勃的建築類遊戲大受歡迎。《戴森球計劃》在Steam和中國的WeGame平臺發售的第一週售出了200,000份。TechRaptor:柚子貓工作室巨大的成功Dyson Sphere Program sales have been pretty phenomenal; this brand-new game from Youthcat Studio has sold 200,000 copies in its first four days。《戴森球計劃》的銷售量非常驚人。這款來自柚子貓工作室的全新遊戲在開始的四天內售出了20萬件。You might not have heard of Dyson Sphere Program。 That’s certainly understandable — the game only got its release date announcement in early December 2020 and it launched on Steam and WeGame last Thursday。 Since then, however, it‘s proven to be a phenomenal success。您可能沒有聽說過《戴森球計劃》。這當然是可以理解的-遊戲直到2020年12月初才宣佈釋出日期,並且於1月2日在Steam和WeGame上釋出,事實證明這個遊戲非常成功。注:由於編輯並未玩過遊戲,若有翻譯錯誤望指正。





