
品味羅素的快樂哲學:《幸福之路》-論嫉妒 12


品味羅素的快樂哲學:《幸福之路》-論嫉妒 12










過去司空見慣的事情,卻影響了他幾十年——他一直在內心深處告訴自己,自己是父母不喜歡的 那一個,被遺棄的那一個。這令他在許多年裡都生活在內心的自卑、不甘、不滿之中。




Chapter 6: Envy

第六章 嫉妒

品味羅素的快樂哲學:《幸福之路》-論嫉妒 12


Next to worry probably one of the most potent causes of unhappiness is envy。 Envy is, I should say, one of the most universal and deep-seated of human passions。 It is very noticeable in children before they are a year old, and has to be treated with the most tender respect by every educator。 The very slightest appearance of favouring one child at the expense of another is instantly observed and resented。 Distributive justice, absolute, rigid, and unvarying, must be observed by anyone who has children to deal with。 But children are only slightly more open in their expressions of envy, and of jealousy (which is a special form of envy), than are grown-up people。 The emotion is just as prevalent among adults as among children。 Take, for example, maid-servants: I remember when one of our maids, who was a married woman, became pregnant, and we said that she was not to be expected to lift heavy weights, the instant result was that none of the others would lift heavy weights, and any work of that sort that needed doing we had to do ourselves。






品味羅素的快樂哲學:《幸福之路》-論嫉妒 12

Envy is the basis of democracy。 Heraclitus asserts that the citizens of Ephesus ought all to be hanged because they said, “there shall be none first among us”。 The democratic movement in Greek States must have been almost wholly inspired by this passion。 And the same is true of modern democracy。 There is, it is true, an idealistic theory according to which democracy is the best form of government。 I think myself that this theory is true。 But there is no department of practical politics where idealistic theories are strong enough to cause great changes; when great changes occur, the theories which justify them are always a camouflage for passion。 And the passion that has given driving force to democratic theories is undoubtedly the passion of envy。 Read the memoirs of Madame Roland, who is frequently represented as a noble woman inspired by devotion to the people。 You will find that what made her such a vehement democrat was the experience of being shown into the servants‘ hall when she had occasion to visit an aristocratic chateau。






品味羅素的快樂哲學:《幸福之路》-論嫉妒 12

Among average respectable women envy plays an extraordinarily large part。 If you are sitting in the underground and a well-dressed woman happens to walk along the car, watch the eyes of the other women。 You will see that every one of them, with the possible exception of those who are better dressed, will watch the woman with malevolent glances, and will be struggling to draw derogatory to her。 The love of scandal is an expression of this general malevolence: any story against another woman is instantly believed, even on the flimsiest evidence。 A lofty morality serves the same purpose: those who have a chance to sin against it are envied, and it is considered virtuous to punish them for their sins。 This particular form of virtue is certainly its own reward。




Exactly the same thing, however, is to be observed among men, except that women regard all other women as their competitors, whereas men as a rule only have this feeling towards other men in the same profession。 Have you, reader, ever been so imprudent as to praise an artist to another artist? Have you ever praised a politician to another politician of the same party? Have you ever praised an Egyptologist to another Egyptologist? If you have, it is a hundred to one that you will have produced an explosion of jealousy。

品味羅素的快樂哲學:《幸福之路》-論嫉妒 12



品味羅素的快樂哲學:《幸福之路》-論嫉妒 12


In the correspondence of Leibniz and Huygens there are a number of letters lamenting the supposed fact that Newton had become insane。 “Is it not sad,” they write to each other, “that the incomparable genius of Mr Newton should have become overclouded by the loss of reason?” And these two eminent men, in one letter after another, wept crocodile tears with obvious relish。 As a matter of fact, the event which they were hypocritically lamenting had not taken place, though a few examples of eccentric behaviour had given rise to the rumour。




品味羅素的快樂哲學:《幸福之路》-論嫉妒 12

Of all the characteristics of ordinary human nature envy is the most unfortunate; not only does the envious person wish to inflict misfortune and do so whenever he can with impunity, but he is also himself rendered unhappy by envy。 Instead of deriving pleasure from what he has, he derives pain from what others have。 If he can, he deprives others of their advantages, which to him is as desirable as it would be to secure the same advantages himself。 If this passion is allowed to run riot it becomes fatal to all excellence, and even to the most useful exercise of exceptional skill。 Why should a medical man go to see his patients in a car when the labourer has to walk to his work? Why should the scientific investigator be allowed to spend his time in a warm room when others have to face the inclemency of the elements? Why should a man who possesses some rare talent of great importance to the world be saved from the drudgery of his own housework? To such questions envy finds no answer。 Fortunately, however, there is in human nature a compensating passion, namely that of admiration。 Whoever wishes to increase human happiness must wish to increase admiration and to diminish envy。







品味羅素的快樂哲學:《幸福之路》-論嫉妒 12

What cure is there for envy? For the saint there is the cure of selflessness, though even in the case of saints envy of other saints is by no means impossible。 I doubt whether St Simeon Stylites would have been wholly pleased if he had learnt of some other saint who had stood even longer on an even narrower pillar。 But, leaving saints out of account, the only cure for envy in the case of ordinary men and women is happiness, and the difficulty is that envy is itself a terrible obstacle to happiness。 I think envy is immensely promoted by misfortunes in childhood。 The child who finds a brother or sister preferred before himself acquires the habit of envy, and when he goes out into the world looks for injustices of which he is the victim, perceives them at once if they occur, and imagines them if they do not。 Such a man is inevitably unhappy, and becomes a nuisance to his friends, who cannot be always remembering to avoid imaginary slights。 Having begun by believing that no one likes him, he at last by his behaviour makes his belief true。 Another misfortune in childhood which has the same result is to have parents without much parental feeling。 Without having an unduly favoured brother or sister, a child may perceive that the children in other families are more loved by their mother and father than he is。 This will cause him to hate the other children and his own parents, and when he grows up he will feel himself an Ishmael。 Some kinds of happiness are everyone’s natural birthright, and to be deprived of them is almost inevitably to become warped and embittered。








品味羅素的快樂哲學:《幸福之路》-論嫉妒 12

But the envious man may say:“What is the good of telling me that the cure for envy is happiness? I cannot find happiness while I continue to feel envy, and you tell me that I cannot cease to be envious until I find happiness。” But real life is never so logical as this。 Merely to realise the causes of one‘s own envious feelings is to take a long step towards curing them。 The habit of thinking in terms of comparisons is a fatal one。 When anything pleasant occurs it should be enjoyed to the fun, without stopping to think that it is not so pleasant as something else that may possibly be happening to someone else。




品味羅素的快樂哲學:《幸福之路》-論嫉妒 12

“Yes,” says the envious man, “this is a sunny day, and it is springtime, and the birds are singing, and the flowers are in bloom, but I understand that the springtime in Sicily is a thousand times more beautiful, that the birds sing more exquisitely in the groves of Helicon, and that the rose of Sharon is more lovely than any in my garden。” And as he thinks these thoughts the sun is dimmed, and the birds’ song becomes a meaningless twitter, and the flowers seem not worth a moment‘s regard。 All the other joys of life he treats in the same way。 “Yes,” he will say to himself, “the lady of my heart is lovely, I love her and she loves me, but how much more exquisite must have been the Queen of Sheba! Ah, if I had but had Solomon’s opportunities!”



品味羅素的快樂哲學:《幸福之路》-論嫉妒 12

All such comparisons are pointless and foolish; whether the Queen of Sheba or our next-door neighbour be the cause of discontent, either is equally futile。 With the wise man, what he has does not cease to be enjoyable because someone else has something else。 Envy, in fact, is one form of a vice, partly moral, partly intellectual, which consists in seeing things never in themselves, but only in their relations。 I am earning, let us say, a salary sufficient for my needs。 I should be content, but I hear that someone else whom I believe to be in no way my superior is earning a salary twice as great as mine。 Instantly, if I am of an envious disposition, the satisfactions to be derived from what I have grow dim, and I begin to be eaten up with a sense of injustice。


事實上,嫉妒是一種惡習,其部分是道德上的,部分是智力上的。這種惡習的問題在於,看待事物時從不看事物本身,反而只關注事物之間的關係。比如,我賺的錢已經足夠滿足自己的需要, 本來我應該感到滿意了,但我卻聽說,某個並不比我強的人卻能賺我兩倍的薪水。這時,如果我有嫉妒的天性,那麼,頃刻之間我的滿足感就會變得暗淡無光,隨後就會被世道不公的怨念所霎吞噬。