

你是世上的光 即使在群上深處也無處可藏。

You are the light of the world and there is nowhere to hide even in the depths of the crowd。


簡單的喜歡最長遠 懂你的人最溫柔。

Simple like the most long-term people who know you the most gentle。

星星會有很多 但我只嚮往你這一個太陽。

There will be many stars but I only yearn for you this one sun。


I hope I can be your favorite niche when hiding, happy, proud to show off。


我不可能給你全世界 但我的全世界可以給你。

I can‘t give you the whole world but my whole world can give you。

偏愛是任何關係的殺手鐧 我永遠吃這套。

Favoritism is the killer of any relationship and I always go for it。

如果可以的話 我想一輩子當小孩。

I want to be a child all my life if I can。


心臟又不長正中間 對你偏心怎麼了。

The heart is not long in the center of your favouritism。


We want to be bright in the sun, running in the wind and rain, say to yourself: yesterday is good, today is good, tomorrow will be better。