
畫家pierre oliver joseph coomans繪畫,俏皮可愛,迷人!

畫家pierre oliver joseph coomans繪畫,俏皮可愛,迷人!

皮埃爾奧利弗約瑟夫庫曼斯(1816-1889)來自布魯塞爾的比利時畫家。他是最受美國收藏家歡迎的歐洲藝術家之一。在學院師從根特的 Hasselaere 教授、Nicaise de Keyser 和安特衛普的 Baron Wappers。他從安特衛普移居巴黎,隨法軍前往阿爾及利亞,在那裡生活了數年,之後又遊歷了義大利、土耳其、希臘和克里米亞等地。

畫家pierre oliver joseph coomans繪畫,俏皮可愛,迷人!

畫家pierre oliver joseph coomans繪畫,俏皮可愛,迷人!


畫家pierre oliver joseph coomans繪畫,俏皮可愛,迷人!

畫家pierre oliver joseph coomans繪畫,俏皮可愛,迷人!

畫家pierre oliver joseph coomans繪畫,俏皮可愛,迷人!


畫家pierre oliver joseph coomans繪畫,俏皮可愛,迷人!

Pierre Oliver Joseph Coomans (1816-1889) Belgian painter from Brussels。 He was one of the most popular European artists with American collectors。 Studied under Prof。 Hasselaere from Ghent, Nicaise de Keyser and Baron Wappers in Antwerp at the academy。

畫家pierre oliver joseph coomans繪畫,俏皮可愛,迷人!

From Antwerp he moved to Paris and went with the French army to Algeria, where he lived for several years,

畫家pierre oliver joseph coomans繪畫,俏皮可愛,迷人!

畫家pierre oliver joseph coomans繪畫,俏皮可愛,迷人!

and then traveled extensively in Italy, Turkey, Greece and the Crimea。 At this time, he wrote historical subjects, and in 1857 he visited Italy, and became be interested in the excavations of ancient Pompeii。 Since then, he has been fascinated by the antique images that made him famous。 He had two daughters,

畫家pierre oliver joseph coomans繪畫,俏皮可愛,迷人!

both of whom became famous artists。 A few years before his death, he visited America and lived here for a long time。 His daughters accompanied him and became honorary members of New York high society。

畫家pierre oliver joseph coomans繪畫,俏皮可愛,迷人!

In our community, in thematic collections。 there are works of this artist。 This post will give you a better idea of his work。

畫家pierre oliver joseph coomans繪畫,俏皮可愛,迷人!

畫家pierre oliver joseph coomans繪畫,俏皮可愛,迷人!

畫家pierre oliver joseph coomans繪畫,俏皮可愛,迷人!

畫家pierre oliver joseph coomans繪畫,俏皮可愛,迷人!

畫家pierre oliver joseph coomans繪畫,俏皮可愛,迷人!

畫家pierre oliver joseph coomans繪畫,俏皮可愛,迷人!

畫家pierre oliver joseph coomans繪畫,俏皮可愛,迷人!

畫家pierre oliver joseph coomans繪畫,俏皮可愛,迷人!

畫家pierre oliver joseph coomans繪畫,俏皮可愛,迷人!

畫家pierre oliver joseph coomans繪畫,俏皮可愛,迷人!

畫家pierre oliver joseph coomans繪畫,俏皮可愛,迷人!

畫家pierre oliver joseph coomans繪畫,俏皮可愛,迷人!

畫家pierre oliver joseph coomans繪畫,俏皮可愛,迷人!

畫家pierre oliver joseph coomans繪畫,俏皮可愛,迷人!

畫家pierre oliver joseph coomans繪畫,俏皮可愛,迷人!
