

Hemorrhoids 痔瘡 Constipation 大便不通 便秘

Diarrhea 腹瀉 rhinitis鼻炎

allergy 過敏 skin allergy面板過敏

arthritis關節炎 wrist手腕 腕關節

ankle 腳踝 踝關節 rheumatic arthritis 風溼性關節炎

fracture 骨折 Bone pain 骨頭痛

Bruise 擦傷 淤青 Injured 受傷

Pain 疼痛 insomnia sleepless 失眠

pee 小便 stool 大便

itchy skin 面板瘙癢 dermatophytosis 腳氣

fester 潰爛 Wound Infection 傷口感染

injection打針 tetanus 破傷風

shivering 寒顫 顫抖 nasal sprays 鼻子噴劑

gums / gingival牙齦 inflammation 發炎

Pierce /puncture 刺破 cut切割 傷口

intestinal tract 腸道 anus 肛門

medical examination體檢 take blood pressure 測血壓

high blood pressure hypertension高血壓 Low blood pressure hypotension低血壓

heart rate 心率 heart slow rate 心率過緩

hypotensor blood pressure medication降壓藥 Review 複檢


Have a cold感冒 Have a fever 發燒

Low /high fever 低燒/高燒 chest 胸部

nasal obstruction 鼻塞 run at the nose 流鼻涕

cough 咳嗽 sneeze 打噴嚏

phlegm 痰 sweat 冒汗

general weakness 全身無力 dizziness 頭暈

sore throat 喉嚨痛 depress /repress 壓抑

infirmary clinic 醫務室 tablet /pill 藥片 cough lozenge 止咳含片

rheumatism 風溼 toothpaste 牙膏

plaster 膏藥 sticking-plaster 貼膏 pain killer injection 止痛針

difficult defecation 排便困難 止痛藥 painkiller